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​Can I change the frequency of my subscription?​

No, we do not have the option to change your billing cycle due to the difference in price we offer.


If you would like to change your subscription cycle, you would have to cancel your current subscription and start a new one with the billing cycle you want.

​Can I pause or Cancel my subscription?​

We do not offer the option to Pause your subscription. However, you can cancel your subscription and then sign up for the same or different box when you are ready to continue using DormlyBox.


Please give us at least 3 full business days to process your cancelled subscription.

You can cancel your subscription anytime on our "Cancel Subscription" page click here.

Can I buy a DormlyBox without the monthly subscription?

Yes of course! We offer a one-time purchase option so there is no commitment and you can buy on your own time!​

Can I subscribe to a box I created?

Unfortunately, you can't subscribe to a "Build A Box" yet. We only offer monthly subscription on our preset boxes. In order to reorder your custom box, you would just simply add the products you need to your cart again, and place another order.

Need to speak with customer support?

Text Us:
(917) 426-7586

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